Chinese Whisper Art Challenge!

Lock-down’s don’t have to be boring! How about a little art challenge? Do you remember playing Chinese whisper/telephone as a child? How about we take it up a notch and play the Chinese Whisper Art Challenge! 

Rules of Engagement

  • You will be provided with a reference image. You need to recreate the reference image in your own style. 
  • Once you are done, you get to nominate up to 3 artists to take the challenge forward. 
  • Here is the catch your nominated artist can only use your artwork as a point of reference, under no circumstance can the nominated artist take a peek at the original reference image or level above.
    In other words, an artist must only use the artwork of the artist nominating him as a reference.
  • Send your artwork along with two lines on what exactly caught your attention in the reference image and what was the focus in your work. Do not forget to mention the artist who nominated you.

Hashtags to be used

#psdharborArtChallenge #chineseWhisperArtChallenge

Let’s see which branch manages to get close to the original image and which branch gets the most creative! 


Does the artwork have to match the reference exactly? 
No, the entire point of the challenge to see how people use their own imagination and style to recreate the work. To understand what was the focal point of the artist was and how that changed in subsequent levels. 

How do I nominate someone? 
Its simple put up an Instagram status tagging us(@psdharbor) along with the 3 nominee. Then send them your artwork via a private channel (dm,email etc.). DO NOT share your work publicly till the last artist in the chain is done with his artwork. You don’t scream out a whisper do you? So why would you ruin the fun by making the secret artwork accessible publicly.

Does it have to be in a certain medium? 
Absolutely Not. Oil, pastel,  pencil, watercolors, poster, digital anything goes. However you like you may recreate the work.

Can I nominate more than 3 artists? 
Unfortunately No, any more than three artists the branch would develop width and not depth. Hence it would defeat the purpose of Chinese whisper.

Do I have to nominate an artist?
No, you can nominate anyone. Perhaps a 5-year-old. Maybe he sees something we don’t! 

Does it have a time limit? 
36 Hours, from the time you get nominated. The time limit is just to ensure that the challenge does not go on forever and levels are easily traceable.

What’s with the Hashtag? 
All entries will be complied and posted online. The Hashtags will help us track entries by artist who might have missed sending us their artwork.

Have any other question? Want to be part of the next challenge? feel free to hit us up Contact Us

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