Galería de arte – Jianqiao Luan

Art Gallery featuring Jianqiao Luan

Seashore in San Diego, CA. It was during early spring. I was so touched by the golden color on the cliffs during sunset time. Everything feels so warm and nice. 

Start my exploration on drawing something other than landscape, and using pen to add texture. It was so much fun!

Drawing in more creative way to show the change of seasons. 

As more experience I have been gaining, I add more details, textures, challenges of using colors, etc. in my painting to make them look more real.

Jianqiao Luan.

Greetings! My name is Jianqiao Luan. Thank you for looking at my watercolor paintings and hope you enjoy them! 

I fell in love with drawing since I was little and my favorite things to doodle were plants. I used my color pens to illustrate my young understanding of leaves, flowers, branches, fruits, etc. and I even made some exhibitions in my room and let people to look, which was (and still is) something really fun in my memory. 

My love of watercolor painting started from watercolor illustration classes in my bachelor study. I was doing mostly landscape paintings. After those classes I started to explore on drawing more kinds of things. Now, my favorite subjects to draw are landscape, cityscape, plants, birds, etc. 

Watercolor really makes my life colorful. I spend most of my free time on watercolor painting. It is a hobby but I treat my paintings as some real works so some times it can be tiring and stressful, but every time I finish a painting, I feel so proud of myself and very encouraged.

I will be doing watercolor painting continuously and I am looking forward to gain more experiences and better skills. Hope you like my story, and if there is some connection or willingness to communicate, welcome to reach out to me and I would love to talk!

Follow Jianqiao Luan on his Instagram

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