Galería de arte – Ruchi Gupta

Art Gallery featuring Ruchi Gupta

As it goes down,
So you come up high,
beneath this water,
under the sky.

This too shall pass ; For the sake of universe ; for the love of wisdom ; calling onto thee ; embrace your desire ; worship your demons ; let go of boundaries.

Obsessed with peaks,
indifferent to crests,
oh son of the morning,
daughter of the dusk,
ponder thy soul
and do what you must.

Unable to live the fantasy,
unable to feel the sigh,
able to weave the words,
able to create a lie.

Chaos as they come,
calm as I run,
towards you.

Water ahead,
water behind,
salt in my water,
salt in my mind.

Creatures of the sky and creatures of the earth,
do you really know what gives you your dearth?

Ruchi Gupta.

Hi ! I like to introduce myself usually as a translator, translator to the thoughts that run through my head when I want to be in “my place”. Now my place could be anywhere in the world consisting of numerous elements or sometimes a few. All I know is, in that very moment the picture is the place or those are the elements which would make me feel home or calm me down. I relate to what I paint or sketch, I want to recreate the very moment of my past I cannot walk back to. Hence, the sole theme of my works revolve around nostalgia and the places I have been to. It is basically a message to bring me home, to calm me down and to feel what I felt in that moment. 

I believe we all have our moments of distress and oblivion all at once, what one naturally does is resort to calm oneself by doing something which brings in a smile or peace. When I look at my work hanging by the wall, all I could think of is what I was doing the day I visited that place and why that place took my breath away or what did that silly Tom recite. If nothing I just end up smiling or thinking of calling that Tom or just for a split second not be in the heat of that moment. I want people to feel the same when they look at my work. People to break a smile or just maybe plan to visit some place like that or maybe admire the evening a little more. I want every spectator to be moved.

All I know is that my work makes me feel empowered enough to run down the memory lane, exactly the way I remember it and helps me realize what all mattered. The whole theme I run my circles around is what made me “feel at peace” from the cotton candy sky to melting your heart sunset and from soul crushing waves to empty beaches is what I crave in my soul to be. Hence, I translate my feelings and recreate the same.

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One thought on “Galería de arte – Ruchi Gupta

  1. Beautiful artwork. Also, the description along with every art is so vivid and apt. Keep painting, Keep writing mam!

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