Galería de arte – Larissa Funk

Art Gallery featuring Larissa Funk

Engulfed by beauty

A dream of spring

The earth laughs in flowers.Ralph Waldo Emerson
Flowers, they bring joy, love, hope,. They can grow in the most desolated of places and shine with beauty and strength.

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Smell the sea, and feel the sky. Let your soul and spirit fly.Van Morrison
The ocean with it’s thrilling and overwhelming vastness intimidates and attracts to the same extent. It creates a longing for the unknown.


Through the darkness

Even when the sky is filled with clouds, the sun still shines above.Janet Donaghy
Clouds with their ever changing form carry the rain, reflect the beautiful colors of the setting sun and speak to our imagination like almost nothing else.

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The gull sees farthest who flies highest. Richard Bach

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You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf. -Jon Kabat-Zan
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; Isaiah 43, 2a

Larissa Funk.

Hey, thank you for taking the time of of your precious day to look at my paintings.

I’m Larissa and I am a so called self taught artist. As a child, if it was a rainy day, I loved to sit at the kitchen table and draw, while listening to an audio play on tape in the background.
I love the beauty of the world which God created. In nature there is an infinite number of colors and forms. A glorious sunset, a flowering meadow, the magnificent ocean, the peaceful atmosphere of the forest the different formations of the clouds and so much more. When I am outside my eyes are drawn to the beauty of it all and in my mind I am already painting, foremost to give honor to God. Above all, Humans are very emotional beings. Therefore, We feel sadness, joy, happiness, peace, hope, fear, to name a few. In my mind certain emotions form a bond with certain elements of nature. Flowers relate to joy and happiness, the forest to peace, the ocean fills you with longing and so on.
Above all, I want to visualize the connection of God’s creation with the human emotions in my paintings.

The primary media I use are oil paints and watercolors. I love the distinct difference between these two media. The long drying time of the oil paints give me the opportunity to work as long on a painting as it takes, until it tells me it’s done. Watercolor on the other hand allows its pigments to spread wherever they find a way on wet paper, so it often decides for itself how the final appearance of the image will look like. However, Its always a surprise.
I’m happy to have given you a little insight into my world of thoughts and hope to give you clarity of your emotions in your mind when you look at my paintings.

Follow Larissa Funk on her Instagram

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